Sunday, March 17, 2013

Action Research Plan

After days of trying to wrap my head around this action research, it finally clicked for me! Hallelujah! Here is my plan and I am even more excited to see its results. Please make comments and suggestions and I will return the favor (after some much needed rest!) ;)

Action Research Plan
Goal:  “What can we do to close the achievement gap and improve our teaching methods towards our English language learners.

Objectives/Outcomes of Research:
1)    Provide teacher’s with the resources and training to accommodate ELLs
2)    Enhance teaching methods
3)    Increase vocabulary retention and deeper understanding of content in ELLs
4)    Close achievement gap
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Research Effective Teaching Methods and Strategies

Andrea Jones
Site Supervisor

Mid March – Mid April

Whole Brain Teaching,
ELL Literature (Collier & Thomas)
Research must meet the two standards below:

1. Methods researched meet the needs of our current demographics

2. Methods research based

Structure and Implement Monthly Trainings

Andrea Jones
Site Supervisor
ESL Coordinator
Curriculum Coordinator

Mid April- May (Structure)

May- October

Meeting Room,
Interactive, Whiteboard,
Training Materials

Provide monthly, possibly bi-monthly, trainings for teachers in vocabulary development and content understanding for ELLs that teachers can implement right away into classroom. After each training, provide opportunities for teachers to give feedback through surveys over training.

Monitor Implementation of strategies by teachers

Andrea Jones
Site Supervisor
Curriculum Coordinator

May- October

Observation journal

While teachers are receiving trainings, we will conduct bi-weekly walkthroughs to see if teachers are using methods

Collect Teacher Feedback

Andrea Jones
Site Supervisor

May- November

Teacher Survey and Interviews

Conduct teacher interviews and give surveys to see if teachers felt new methods were easy to implement, if they felt they were valuable, and receive over all feedback

Data Assessment

Andrea Jones
Site Supervisor
Curriculum Coordinator

May- November
-Collect Monthly Data, use CBA data

Classroom work
Teacher feedback

Monitor feedback to see if trainings are improving test scores within the LEP sub group, discuss with teachers if they feel improvement has taken place in the classroom during lessons and class work


Andrea Jones
Site Supervisor

December-January 2014

Teacher Interviews and Surveys

Continue monitoring data and discuss with teachers if they are still utilizing some of the strategies they learned about in trainings.

Results Sharing

Andrea Jones

January 2014

Campus Ning

Post results on blog and within campus communication so teachers can review results, track ELLs progress, read teacher feedback, and also discuss and share information with each other


  1. Andrea you have done an outstanding job with your plan. I think your meetings that you are going to establish will really help with getting the goal of your project across. It is my hope that all teachers associated will give you their full support to try and give you an accurate assessment. Good luck and I look forward to following your research.

  2. You really have this plan together! I am concerned about how veteran teachers will respond to additional training, and implementation of new strategies. I pray that they are "on board". What can you do to motivate the teachers to want to participate?

    1. That is a good point Aisha. I am going to make our trainings "make and take" type sessions. This way we can introduce the strategies, and the teacher can create the strategy for the classroom and tweak it to best fit them. This way I am showing actual materials they can use within their classroom and they can immediately see how it can be and work best for them. I think many times teachers go to different types of SIOP training and all the information is overwhelming and they feel they do not have time to do these things, so they never even try to start. Only hearing about 1-3 strategies at a time, and looking at their plans for the next week, is less overwhelming and gives perspective of how they can be used.
