Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 2 Reflection- Action Research Development

This week was exciting and frustrating all at the same time, picking the perfect action research topic. This week's readings was very informative and provided all the assistance needed. The text outlined nine specific areas to conduct an action research plan in. Simply stated as "Passions that Drive Your Journey." Each area contains its own special flame for different individuals. The plan I decided to go with went under the category of "Social Justice." I am wanting to create an action research plan that will analyze the effectiveness of teaching methods that closes the achievement gap and improves teaching methods towards English language learners. I am excited to see the development of my plan and the direction my research will take.


  1. Hello Andrea! I am excited to see a fellow classmate with concerns similar to mine! I want to do an action research project pertaining to ELL students as well. I agree with you that this week's reading was very helpful. Outlining the nine areas for action research and giving examples in each area was very enlightening and took some of the pressure off for me. Good luck with your project and I am looking forward to seeing its results.

    1. I am excited to hear that! I look forward to your research.

  2. I can't wait to read more about your work with ELL's . Being at a bilingual campus, we are always looking for ways to better serve this group. Our current focus is on vocabulary building. I would be very interested to read what areas you are focusing on and what kind of success you have had. Since we are in the middle of TELPAS testing, your topic is even more relevant! I will be checking back at the end of the week to see your plan! Good luck!

    1. TELPAS definitely brings to light the struggles that students' have with language. Thanks for your support.

    2. Will you post your blog to my profile page? Thanks!

  3. Yes I agree that this week was a little trying for me as well. But after reflecting on the previous two weeks, it all came together. An action research plan that will analyze the effectiveness of teaching methods that closes the achievement gap and improves teaching methods towards English language learners is absolutely awesome. I am looking forward to seeing your results.

    1. Thanks Cathey! Will you post your blog to my profile page or put a link in your next comment? Thanks!
